Self Build Garden Log Cabins
If your log cabin is for self build there are a few things you need to know:
- You will need somewhere safe and dry to store the parts until you start building. Ideally you should start building garden log cabins the same day as they are delivered. It is not good for the wood to be stored for a long time and it should not be allowed to get wet/damp.
- You will need to provide your own fixings. This is mainly for the roof, floor, trims and any verandas etc. Door and window furniture is included.
- You will need to provide your own roof covering for garden log cabins if you have not ordered roof shingles. The roof needs to be covered as soon as it is fitted.
- Any reasonably fit and able person with a basic knowledge of woodworking and tools should be able to build a log cabin.
- The delivery team will run through the basics with you when they unload the parts and give you some tips.
- If you are unsure of what to do at any stage please phone us and ask.
- You are responsible for your own health and safety.